Looking for Partner for High Rounds
I like to do it on Origins. I will have the fire staff.
View ArticleProblem with riot shield
There's a glitch with the riot shield. In kill confirmed if your opponent has the shield 2 things can happen. If you are able to kill them they don't drop a dog tag. Also when they pull the shield away...
View ArticleGame Volume Options - Music in game and lobby
The in-game music which plays at the start of your game (especially annoying if you join late) and towards the end (different if you are winning or losing) is loud, distracting, and completely...
View ArticleRe: Does K/D really matter?
People see K/D as an indicator of a players skill. And since they don't have a better stat they fell it matters. Personally I think that K/D only matters in TDM. In ever other game mode, even FFA, W/L...
View ArticleRe: Star Trek Elite Force
Hi Iron88, Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, it's unclear the issue you are having. Would it be possible for you to list you system specs Run DirectX Diagnostic Tool Thanks ^AH
View ArticleRe: No longer getting points for holding a node for 24 hrs?
Same problem here. We held 9 nodes at one point and we're barely winning and now i think we are losing because the other team only has to get the search game types and then they are winning. They...
View ArticleRe: Re: Upcoming Improvements to Call of Duty: Ghosts
I can honestly say I've never had trouble with snipers/quickscopers. That's not to say I haven't died to them many times, but i feel they are far less harmful than a remington or any other decent...
View ArticleRe: Come on Activision do something! What the heck is going on???
Please explain more about how this is gonna happen?
i am accepting all in my clan Pgh_412 my psn is shults if youd like to join, will make you lt. commander so you can invite as many as youd like
View ArticleRe: Game Contents
Hi Angelina2010, Thanks for providing the links; however, it's still unclear what content you are referring to. Can you please specify, adding a few more details of the content that's missing? Is it...
View ArticleHow is it that PSN is counting for Clan Wars on XBOX 360
How is it that PSN players are counting and taking nodes on Xbox 360. In my Division the top 2 teams or all PSN and We're Xbox 360 how is this happening. To me it doesn't seem fair
View ArticleProblem with Clan War unlocks!
Can anyone explain why I haven't recieved my body count reaper when I have 2 Clan war wins(1 Platinum and 1 Gold) but my clan member was able to get it and we both have the same wins.
View ArticleRe: [PS4] [KEMO] Join Kemo today!
1.74 kd. Good player. Have mic. Add me if you want me to join!
View ArticleRe: No Unlocks???
yeah im getting the same message on my app , its like we never even played the clan wars ??in the first two clan wars our achievements came up within 1 or 2 hours of end time.
View ArticleRe: Marvel Heroes MMO
What?!? Ms. Marvel has some of the best defenses in the game! Think she's supposed to have the best outside of Thing and Colossus, and maybe one or two others. And now her damage is pretty awesome,...
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