Well, I was giving my opinion on high rounds in Bo2, so my bo1 leaderboards shouldn't even matter.
But like I said, they don't save when I play them anyways so what's the point? I'm not going to be seen as a "high rounder" on Bo1 at this point. I've literally had people talk crap for this exact reason. The forum troll is a perfect example. I know you didn't mean offense but when you make a statement like that when there is literally NOTHING MORE I would like to do than actually have a high round count on Bo1, it is extremely irritating. I still consider myself more than a competent player and good teammate on Bo1, regardless of what my high rounds are. Like I said I'm sorry if I came at you the wrong way but I feel like you completely discounted what I was saying and referenced the reason as something that I feel is out of my control.
If you are strictly referring to Bo2 being easier, well it's obvious it is, but let's not forget the fire traps on kino and ascension that first allowed people to get to obscene rounds easier than they should have. Every map has a different difficulty, Bo2 is easier, but it also has some of the hardest maps in zombies with nuketown, town, farm, depot, and tranzit before we all learned it.