A free for all mode
8players ffalimit
10 minutes FFA time limit
5 waves-2 minutes each. After each wave the two lowest scoring players will be eliminated from the main group.
First wave- start of match til the two minute timer runs out-8 players trying to accomplish at least 1of 2 things. 1) player with the highest score once the first wave is complete.or 2) be one of the top 6 players in score after first wave. If a player can do one of those two things they'll advance to the next wave as MAIN player.
If you can't achieve at least one of those goals you'll be KNOCKED OUT of the main group. After every wave the two lowest scoring players from the main group will be in the eliminator group for the next wave.
NOTE all eliminated players are still competing in the match it's just now they're in the eliminator group.
Once wave one is complete the timer will reset to 2 minutes and begin to count down. All Players score will reset to zero after every wave. All Players kill streaks will reset to zero after each wave is complete. Kill streaks that are already earned and in play WILL NOT be reset.There is no match reset just a timer reset after every wave. So you'll begin each wave where you ended the previous wave and continue to run around the map . There is no intermission between waves.
Second wave- 2 minutes in length. Consisting of two groups: main and eliminators. Now remember this still free for all. So at any time any player can kill each other. Regardless of groups. The main group of players will try to do one of two things: be the player with the highest score after wave two or be one of the top 4 in score once the timer for wave two hits zero. Now for the eliminated players from wave one( 2 players with lowest score in wave1) they want to be the highest scorer in they're group after wave two. Because the player with highest score will advance to the main group for wave 3.
Wave 3- 2 minutes in length- consisting of two groups. The main group (5 players now)and the eliminators(3 players). Like the previous two waves you want to be the top scorer after wave three. Or be in the top 3 in score to advance to the next wave in the main group. Same goes for the eliminated group, the top score in that group after wave three will advance back into the main group for wave 4.
Wave 4- two minutes in length- consisting of two groups again. The main ( now 4 players) and eliminators.( now 4 players) same rules as previous waves. Except onlythe top scoring two players in the main group will stay in that group for wave 5. The top scoring eliminator player at the end of wave 4 will be back in the main group for wave 5.
Wave 5 - two minutes in length- consisting of two groups. The main ( now three players)and eliminators.( now 5 players) this is the final wave. The three players in the main group in wave 5 have the chance to win the match........that's it. The players in the eliminated group will have to place 4th through 8th.
"Knockout" call outs,
" you're about to get knocked out" when times running out and it looks like you're about to get eliminated,
"yeah, we're back in it" when you finish a wave as the top scoring eliminated player
What do you guys think? Is it good or bad? Have a suggestion? Leave a comment. I've posted this idea a couple of times now.