Join The TwoLitJit Ghost Clan/2LJT
A Gold Clan In BO2!!!!!!!
Just have a .50 KDR, Clan is on the Mature side,
But Fun at Heart and no manditory weekly efforts.
just when we can play or match up. Individual effort's
help Clan Ranking so do what you can when you can.
and as a team have some Clan Op weeekend matches.
Must be in U.S. Play Off Eastern Time Zone, After 5PM
during the Week, & Weekends vary due to schedule's.
Must Apply throught App. Have a Reachable gammer tag.
Send application Via Ghost app so you will be added.
search under: TwoLilJit
Clan Tag is [2LJT]
match them up for the right clan.
Use your Xbox Live gammer Tag when applying
MUST be reachable on Xbox Live and accept Friend request.