the thing you dont understand is that the goal of an easter egg is to get as much done as possible before you necessarily have to kill the last zombie in order to progress
"I just dont understand why you are so concerned about ice staff parts when in fact you can not build it until later rounds"
its possible to have all the staffs built (except fire) and have their puzzles done before the panzer soldat comes
and if your still thinking that im being overly concerned with the ice staff parts consider this: if the last part ( from church) isnt acquired before it stops snowing (round 3~4) that player will have to wait until a few rounds (~ round 10) after the panzer comes for the map to snow again so it can be the first staff or the very last gotten. while the wind and electric parts can be acquired at any time!
"why not spend those points on jug in early rounds rather then unnecessary door opening"
if you're a good player the shield on your back should keep you from going down for a few rounds by giving those zombies the cold shoulder as you pass them
and i always open the excavation before buying myself juggernaut i also dont mind asking others to do the same for the sake of getting staffs done unless they are playing like crap then by all means keep yourself from going down repeatedly...